- CBRNe gaps report: identification of most important gaps in CBRNe protection system in shopping malls at the EU territory.
- Warning Book: collection of examples of potential CBRNe scenarios which are most dangerous and most likely to happen in the shopping malls
- Training curriculum: tailored training for internal security services, including basic knowledge about CBRNe threats.
- Handbook: comprehensive handbook presenting most relevant theoretical and practical knowledge required by shopping malls employees: types of CBRNe threats and recognition method, materials for individual threats, commanding procedures, securing of action as well as rescue procedures.
- Report “Best practices for prevention of food CBRN incidents”: special preventive recommendations for big shopping centres areas.
- Report “Countermeasure procedures in case of food CBRN events”: special recommendations for big shopping centres areas elaborated in collaboration with centres managers.
- Final Conference: final event presenting main project results.
- MallCBRN Brochure
MallCBRN Brochure - Article on Crime scene investigation in a CBRN context
Article on Crime scene investigation
in a CBRN context - CBRN_E_crime_and_offenders_motives
CBRN-E crime and offenders motives
Co-funded by the Internal Security Fund of the European Union This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Grant Agreement No. 861643