University of Lodz, PL (coordinator) – a leading institution of higher education in Poland. It is also one of the strongest science and research centres in the country. Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of ULO is the largest biological faculty in Poland with the highest scientific category A (denoting a very good level of scientific A). Employing experts in various biological threats and cooperate with law enforcement and military units in various initiatives. Successful experiences in coordinating EU funded projects in the past including ISF project on preparing and conducting postgraduate studies for CBRN managers. The project is implemented by the Biohazard Prevention Centre of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection.
Military Institute of Chemistry and Radiometry, PL – a Scientific and Research Centre of Polish Ministry of National Defence. The main scope of the A of the Institute is scientific research and development projects and studies in the field of NBC defence equipment and systems as well as verification of the chemical disarmament processes. The Institute is authorised to issue expertise and opinions as well as certificates for products and technologies related to their specialisation, carry out the testing equipment and conduct training activities. MICR has experience in designing different types of detectors arising from previous research and projects. Developed in Institute devices are dedicated for a variety of applications including detection of explosives, drugs, intoxicants, chemical warfare agents and microbiology.
Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, PL – an unique research and development military institution in Poland whose mission is to conduct research, prophylaxis, surveillance, and training associated with medical protection and countermeasures against the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) agents. As a scientific and advisory entity for the protection and defense against WMD MIHE closely collaborates with national and international state and NGO institutions.
International Security and Emergency Management Institute, SK – Institute focuses on research, development and training activities in the areas of civil protection, fire and rescue, environmental protection and public health. These activities are implemented through specific contracts or projects funded by the European Union, i.e. CBRN CoE Initiative, H2020 or ISF POLICE. ISEMI has all necessary technical, organisational and personal capacities as well as a wide international pool of experts former or active police officers, soldiers, firefighters, security experts with necessary security clearance and relevant experiences in crime prevention, fight against organise crime, CBRN-E threats and terrorism.
National Institute of Aerospace Technology, ES – is a Public Research Establishment which belongs to the Spanish Ministry of Defence; vast experience in EU research projects H2020, and ISF POLICE. The Department of CBRNe Defense has an extensive experience in: detection, identification and characterization of zoonotic pathogens and chemical warfare agents in environmental samples; validation of deployable CBRN laboratories; interlaboratory exercises and organisation of training courses for Army Forces, GRULAC members and LEAs; evaluation of radiological risks, analysis of environmental, training and courses for CBRN units and technical advice on radiological issues.
Hellenberg International, FI – experience in risk assessment and assisting public and private entities in critical infrastructure protection and related projects. Securing vital functions of society by investing in critical infrastructures forms the core area of expertise. Contracted by the European Commission (DG Home Affairs, DG Enterprise, DG Environment), the United Nations, several governmental agencies and other regional organisations. Worked with major European corporations such as SAAB, Airbus, Finnair Plc and Siemens. Hellenberg International challenges mainstream solutions in crisis management and civil protection.
ATRIUM Promenada, PL – a member of ATRIUM REM – a leading operator of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central Europe with 34 properties with a total gross leasable area of over 970,000 sqm which properties are mainly located in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia.
Atrium Promenada is a prime fashion- and leisure-oriented shopping centre situated in one of Warsaw’s most affluent and dynamic neighbourhoods in the north-eastern Praga Poludnie district. Retail GLA : 48,468 m², Retail Units: 180, Parking Spaces: 1,659.

Estonian Internal Security Service (KaPo), a central national security institution of Republic of Estonia. KaPo main goal is maintenance of national security through collection of information and implementation of preventive measures as well as investigation of offences to the extent established by the Government of the Republic Regulation. The Estonian Internal Security Service is among the security authorities that have also been assigned the tasks of the police. It means investigation of offences and, for instance, the legal right to apply corrective measures.

Seris Konsalnet is the biggest security company in Poland, a member of an international leader of security agencies – SERIS group. Seris Konsalnet operates in Poland for over 25 years offering solid and reliable security solutions for private and public sector covering: physical security, monitoring, GPS monitoring, design and implementation of security systems. We provide security for 3,500 facilities and a monitoring service for approximately 64,000 stationary facilities and 13,000 vehicles. Our clients include retail chains, banks, public utility services, strategic facilities, industrial companies and military units.
The project is supported by several European Institution, which have great experience in prevention and responding to incidents involving CBRNe agents and which will consult and support elaboration of project results.
- Polícia Segurança Pública, Portugal
- Police Force Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
- Czech Police – CBRN unit, Czech Republic
- Hungarian Counter Terrorism Centre, Hungary
- Military Institute of Armament Technology, Poland
- Central Counter-terrorist Unit “BOA”, Poland
- Local Antwerp Police, Belgium
- State Fire Service, Poland
Co-funded by the Internal Security Fund of the European Union This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Grant Agreement No. 861643